Publicservant #myarticle
The public servant
The first thought that comes to our mind listening about police is mostly fear. pride or trust are the last thoughts to cross our mind. This is not our fault or their's its the system that is responsible that instills this and forces to surrender even the most honest of inspectors before the politicians and submit to doing corruption for survival as they themselves are subjected to much humiliation.
Whensome individual joins police force they seem to have the thought to improve the system , no one in their wildest dreams thinks about being a corrupted and distrustful officer.
while most submit to tryanny some remain prefer leaving the job while some stay and try to change situation but those are only a tiny fraction .
So as majority rules the general public seem to view the majority group in them and are threatened by the whole group . And the chance of encountering a honest police is also rare.
So general public don't comply with them, but we should believe that although there are majority corrupted but the minority do seem to work day end to maintain the peace .
We must show trust and respect to these public servants as they have tough life fighting with system as well as keeping themselves and us safe.
Ashutosh jha
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