Good&bad luck

Bad luck and good luck.
       We as intelligent species of all others on earth. Tend to associate our life with an unseen and undiscovered force that seem to be with us throughout life.You guessed that right its the "luck"
       From the day we are born we are associated with being either fortunate for ourselves or others around us.
       This thought is deeply ingrained to depth of our mind that even we consider fellow human as being a bad omen while some as a boon. Animals too are associated with our thought process black cats and owl signify the arrival of bad time.
       The actual reason for us being superstitious, is that if some thing bad happens with us we relate it to the person we consider unlucky, whose face we saw today . But that is completely untrue 
  While luck sure does exist but it can't be blamed on others for being a bad luck or good luck to us.
     The most simple method to overcome this feeling is by completely forgetting about the person whom we consider bad luck and going by our day. And not to associate any bad happenings with that person.
     This will not improve your luck but surely will eliminate the fear of another person being able to affect your life.
By ashutosh jha


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