
Don't quit

The path you took might seem long But don't lose hope keep going strong There might be hurdles to face But do keep a steady pace Life is a journey from end to end Need is to keep your stand To every night there's a day So problems for long won't stay This just might be season of pain In another one you might gain Some believe , some won't To opinion's don't give a thought Scorchy days or frozen night Hope will keep you away from fright Fire in yourself do ignite For in darkness it will be your light Whether you win or loose bad A new chapter of experience you add Don't judge your calibre on this event For this is a mere learning moment Life's full of opportunities to sought Face the challenges it has brought For destination might be far Enjoy the route don't get a scar.


Came a dream worth a scream, Running around was a child, Teary eyes expressing gloom,  He said its coming Run and save yourself from doom Fires and screms all around  None safe none sound Shining from above came a light, None staring at it all escaping in plight, Earth is over we will be eliminated, Came a thought in mind, Where to go , where to hide, Then came a sharp sound Get up I am waking you for so long This was just a memory of childhood  Still etched deep down every survivors moods

Stop drug abuse

Mind gone insane, None left to disdain, Escaped feeling of agony and pain. Eyes reflecting bloody soul, Hatred for society as whole, Body going numb, emotions feel dumb, Soaring in sky like a high jump. None to express none to confess, Drugs abuse has eaten self, Lets support such people and help them, escaping the prison of hell. They may have abusive history, But their health is not mystery. Helping those to overcome these, Supporting them to have peace, Lets make humanity drug free. By ashutosh jha

Limitless sky #respect nature

The limitless sky, O! so high. The shape of dome, Boundless abode. The deep sea, Mine of mystery. Countless creatures, Made by nature. The morning and night, What a sight, Still it feels, Do we deserve this all? We have created a havoc. Nature might get provoked. When its up for revenge, Nothing can prevent, Love nature don't hate, It holds key to our fate, Don't be for nature a threat, Or in future we regret. By ashutosh jha

Love your life

When on earth you were born, someone was waiting, It was your mom. Holding you in his arm, Dad felt very strong. Growing up taking first step, When you fell, the one's holding were grandparents. Facing bully and troubles, the one who saved was your brother. When emotions took you over none to talk or express, Who helped you out was sister. They are ones supporting you to strive, then don't think that you are the sole owner of your life. Think abou them their love and hope, In next life you won't meet such souls. By ashutosh jha

Fear #mypoem

In this world alone we arrive, Walking down journey of life, Then why does fear cross our mind, Sending chills down the spine. This feeling controls our movements Fearing world we cant progress Thinking about society and respect None can develope thyself Let yourself loose, to own music lets all groove. All must start with self, Never judge others if you don't want that for yourself. Lets all have our own ways  Where all can do what their passion says. By ashutosh jha




Of all the feeling's in the world , none can compete feel of being loved. As there's no reward without strain, Love and hate together they stay. Both remain bound forming an equation, Giving two sides to a relation, Backing each other in succession. Theres left nothing to refrain, As love makes people go insane. Have a good companion to claim, As there will be none to blame. Grow together accepting each others fault, As none is perfect from start. Feel free to express your grief, So two souls survive with peace. Accept blame to keep the love, But no so much that self esteem disappears. Mold the foundation of future with faith to live joyful life without hate. By ashutosh jha




Waking up in the  morning sheen, Staring at the screen.  Wanting our life to be others reflection, Glazing self in mirror, there appears some imperfection. Going to day with peace, well dressed people passing the streets, Goes down the self belief. The manipulative person takes all credit,  while the one who does everything sits like stupid. Day passes impressing others and forgetting ourself, Worrying about future regretting present moment. Work hard and earn but dont be slave for others concern, Become boss of your life,  for its the only thing u have Dont lose confidence and hope,  As life is unpredictable and dope. By ashutosh jha



Good&bad luck

Bad luck and good luck.        We as intelligent species of all others on earth. Tend to associate our life with an unseen and undiscovered force that seem to be with us throughout life.You guessed that right its the "luck"        From the day we are born we are associated with being either fortunate for ourselves or others around us.        This thought is deeply ingrained to depth of our mind that even we consider fellow human as being a bad omen while some as a boon. Animals too are associated with our thought process black cats and owl signify the arrival of bad time.        The actual reason for us being superstitious, is that if some thing bad happens with us we relate it to the person we consider unlucky, whose face we saw today . But that is completely untrue    While luck sure does exist but it can't be blamed on others for being a bad luck or good luck to us.      The most ...


One who handles the cradle  and becomes ur paddle . To sail through life like a vessel. Mother is the one who handles the pain, So in life u can gain. Never forget her love for u because she is the only one who cares. Strict on face and wants to increase ur pace, Father is the one who saves you from vain. So listen to him for he is the one who wishes for your favourable outcome. By ashutosh jha


Days pass on and months arrive, Seasons come by and thrive. Calendar informs us about the events So we can plan our life and strive. The chill of winter, the warmth of summer and the gloomy rainy days . The sight of spring blooming new life and autum taking away the light, All happen as per their time. Days of week represent our peak We are strong on monday , but loose it till sunday. The day we are born and day we die  Are etched in dates. Calender reminds us its a new day, get up early and make your hay.


 🌟Night passes by and morning arrives sun🌤️ shines with gleam while moon dims the light.🌝 Everythings the same the trees,  the breeze but our life is on lease. New days come and go ,while pace of life seems slow. Caged in house with loved ones is a moment to rejoice ,  But still it feels empty inside. The misery of poor ones away from their home , haunts each of us day and night long. The pain they face for others wrong, Seems to fright😨 us strong. Some discover inner self while some hidden skills, These are some benefits of quarantine. Health is wealth now seems to penetrate our brain, We are now caught in looping crate, All are away from the rat race. Nature began healing itself , without us its gleaming itself  Animals free to roam while humans caged , nature  showed us it is the master of rage. By Ashutosh Kumar Jha

Grow in life

The glory of petals shines like metal,  when sunrays fall it glows till dawn. When autumn arrives the petals thrive to survive, But spring brings back its luminiscence . As autumn departures spring arrives , Learn from nature don't get depressed move forward nd make progress. By me


The scorch of summer hits like hammer. The rainy day makes nostalgic again. The calmness of winter makes us shiver These are the stages of life, Each passes when their time arrives. Summer resembles hope,       its the birth of a new soul. Rains are the working days,  where lies no relaxing phase. Winter signifies the ending stage ,  its the dreadful old age. The seasons end so does years , but do remember that theres no end to the internal fear . Overcome them and fulfill ur dreams. Make ur life beyond  limits. For life's beyond the days on earth, And what we do here is only  worth. By ashutosh jha

Jealousy #mythoughts

Someone's forward, while someone's lacking in pace. Some are rabbit,        But some turtle in race.  Each one has their own confined space. Need is to let loose the shell. And know our potential well. But we are blinded by jealousy, that makes us think no one's better than me. All have their own fate,   some are gifted but some fight to                           get the cake. We are our own competition,       none other deserves this reputation Each one has some attributes ,              its upto us to discover the right                                attitude. Learning from others mistake and improving our self , for lifes too short to commit them by ourselves

Opinions #ashujha #mypoem

Poem by ashutosh jha

Timeismoney #mypoem


Good and bad in us #myarticle

                       We as humans oftem seem to believe that the world will be the same to us, as we are to it. But that's complete misjudgement no one is bound to behave the same you are with them.            And believing that we are good to others, does not imply that others have same perspective of us as we have of ourselves .             Every human being is capable of being evil or angel , its the emotion we are able to trigger in them regarding us. We are the same for others ,some view our devil side but some angel so opinions differ.           So its better to not overthink of our actions or behaviour around others, as we will be intrepreted according to their judgement  Instead focus should be on having people around us whose angel we are able to unleash and see. Ashtosh jha

Publicservant #myarticle

      The public servant                         The first thought that comes to our mind listening about police is mostly fear. pride or trust are the last thoughts to cross our mind. This is not our fault or their's its the system that is responsible that instills this and forces to surrender even the most honest of inspectors before the politicians and submit to doing corruption for survival as they themselves are subjected to much humiliation.          Whensome individual joins police force they seem to have the thought to improve the system , no one in their wildest dreams thinks about being a corrupted and distrustful officer.           while most submit to tryanny some remain prefer leaving the job while some stay and try to change situation but those are only a tiny fraction .          So as majority rules the general public s...

Connecting dots #intelligencevsknowledge

Intelligence vs knowledge     We often believe that intelligence is inherited since birth and no one can become intelligent if they aren't born with it already, and intelligent dont require any knowledge. well to break the bubble thats completely bogus as intelligence is dependend on knowledge too .we tend to forget that knowledge is the base of whatever we do.       In IT terms knowledge is the raw data while intelligence is the processing and analytics of it. Knowledge is the experience while intelligence is to apply it.          The difference that separates average from intelligent is that brainy people tend to grab knowledge faster rather than not needing it. So every individual has the potential to be knowledgeable but being intelligent is not in our hands .       We often feel bad about being average but the thing is average means a lot resemble us. We belong to the majority group and certainly being brainy feels go...

Socialmedia #myarticle

"Social media was an idea to affix poeple online , But it turned out malediction for selfloathing individuals" The above lines convey the reality of todays use of social media . Being born in this era has made us abreast with the blooming technology field. We as todays individuals are deeply dependent on it than any other generation has ever been.           Our moring starts with staring at cell phone screen looking at the "good morning "posts that can't be experienced with touch ,while ignoring the golden glow outside our window . This follows with continuous update of overselves to the world and looking for vanity and approval of us from unknown followers .  The physically present friends seem to disappear from our sight instead we like to connect with the online ones.             Showing off lavish life while hiding internal sadness is the reality of many so called "influencers" out there. Influence means to motivate around ...

Soldiersarepride #mypoem


Effectsofcoronavirus #myarticle

        We are now in a time where we think of surviving instead of planning for future,  as the current situation suggests this virus has hindered lot of businesses .The establised one are facing huge losses in their shares and their income generation has stooped low for them, while newer startups have completely dissolved due to no profits or promotion .         This virus has surely affected the economic condition, but this situation is not a bane to all, for some its a boon as the online modes are increasing ,their profit's are rising as no social interaction and lockdown has tied us to our rooms , so those working in teaching field and IT sector seem to use online modes to communicate and conduct lectures and sessions .They are estimated to grow by 10% in profit in lockdown period but the worst hit are daily wage workers as they have no other source of income and without roof above head they are returning to villages where they reside. ...

Expecation #mypoem


Doctors #mypoem #ashujha


Darkness #my poem


Corporate world #mypoem


Education is important #mythoughts


